As an alternative to signing up for a monthly pass, you can purchase each online class pay-as-you-go for £5.99 per class.
My new 30 min Meno Fitness class is only £5 - join in live every Friday on Facebook at 0700 or catch up anytime.
Pick your class in the drop down and Heidi will then email you the link to join the live class and the recording for you to keep.
Classes available pay as you go:
- Meno Fitness
- Dance Fusion
- Falls Prevention
- Aerobics
- Steady and Strong
- Wake up and Stretch
- Pilates All Levels
- Legs, Bums and Tums
- Arms and abs
- Paracise
- Pilates Beginners
- Pilates Improvers
- Pilates Flow
- Combat Conditioning
- Flex and Stretch
- Stretch and Relax
- Fit in 30
- Old School Aerobics
- Resistance Bands
- Latin Style aerobics
- Weights and Plates
- Fit in 30 HIIT
- Lift Lean
- Step it up in 30
- Step conditioning
- Core on the roller
- Salsa Aerobics
- Weights and Bands
- Pilates Intervals
- Foam Roller class
- 80's Aerobics
- Pilates on the roller
- Step Conditioning
- Body Shock
- Sizzling Seniors
- Body Blitz
- Summer Flex
Or you can purchase a monthly pass for £20 to access my Online Dashboard where I have 100's of pre recorded workouts from all the above genres.
Pay-As-You-Go Online Classes